Prep for Pointe | Complete Beginners | Beginners | Elementary | Intermediate | Variations en Pointe
Four levels of Pointework plus Variations en Pointe for the advanced dancer and Prep for Pointe if you're thinking of starting pointe or just want to strengthen and gain more mobility in your feet. Pointe is not suitable for everyone - please gain your teacher's approval first; at least one term of Pre-Improvers should be completed first.
Beginner's Pointe follows the Improvers 1 classes on Wednesdays and Saturdays and progresses from the basics at the barre like rises and echappés, to relevés in retiré, posés into arabesque, and simple combinations in the centre including chainés.
Complete Beginners Pointe on Thursdays
For complete beginners to Pointe, who have been assessed by Ballet for You as being ready to start pointe and who have completed at least one term of Improvers 1. Also suitable for those who did pointework to a relatively high level in their teens.
Elementary Pointe follows the Improvers 2 class on Tuesdays and Fridays and builds from Beginners Pointe introducing turns form the corner, releve's on one leg in the centre and single pirouettes.
New! Prep for Pointe on Mondays
A 30 min add-on class which will work on building strength, mobility and articulation in the feet. This class will be done in bare feet, socks and soft ballet shoes and is ideal for those preparing for or attending pointe classes (particularly the complete beginners pointe class on Thursdays) but also suitable for those not doing pointe who want to improve their “ballet feet”.
Intermediate Pointe follows the Advanced 1 class on Thursdays and works on more challenging steps and enchainements including pirouettes and fouette's.
Variations en Pointe follows the Advanced 2 Ballet class on Saturdays and is for experienced dancers en pointe covering female solos from existing ballets.

Prep for Pointe - Mondays in Shoreditch
Day: Mondays
Time: 8.45-9.15pm
Dates: 13th January - 31st March 2025
(11 lessons; no class 17 Feb)
Place: New City Fitness (Studio A), Redvers Street, London, N1 6NE
Cost: £65
Teacher: Serena Cundari
Complete Beginner's Pointe Thursdays - Finsbury Park*
Day: Thursdays
Time: 7.45-9.00pm
Place: The Fourth Monkey, 97-101 Seven Sisters Rd, London, N7 7QP (Bausch’s Box)
Dates: 16th January - 3rd April 2025
(11 lessons; no class 20 Feb)
Cost: £180
Teacher: Louise Blair
Each class will start with 30-40 mins of barrework focusing on foot and ankle strengthening exercises before 20-30 minutes of pointework.
Beginner's Pointe after Wednesday Improvers 1 - Islington

Day: Wednesdays
Time: 8.55-9.25pm
Place: City & Islington College (CANDI), 444 Camden Road, London N7 0SP (corner of Caledonian & Camden Roads)
Dates: 15th January - 2nd April 2025
(11 lessons; no class 19 Feb)
Cost: £65
Teacher: Serena Cundari
Beginners Pointe after Saturday Improvers 1 - Shoreditch
Day: Saturdays
Time: 5.00-5.30pm
Place: New City Fitness (Studio A), Redvers Street, London, N1 6NE
Dates: 18th January - 5th April 2025
(11 lessons; no class 22 Feb)
Cost: £65
Teacher: Louise Blair
Elementary Pointe after Tuesday Improvers 2 - Islington
Day: Tuesdays
Time: 8.15-8.45pm
Place: City & Islington College (CANDI), 444 Camden Road, London, N7 0SP
Dates: 14th January - 1st April 2025
(11 lessons; no class 18 Feb)
Cost: £65
Teacher: Serena Cundari
Elementary Pointe after Friday Improvers 2 - Finsbury Park
Day: Fridays
Time: 8.15-8.45pm
Place: The Fourth Monkey, 97-101 Seven Sisters Rd, London, N7 7QP (Bausch’s Box)
Dates: 17th January - 4th April 2025
(11 lessons; no class 21 Feb)
Cost: £65
Teacher: Louise Blair
Intermediate Pointe after Advanced 1 on Thursdays - Shoreditch

Day: Thursdays
Time: 9.00-9.30pm
Place: New City Fitness (Studio A), Redvers Street, London, N1 6NE
Dates: 16th January - 3rd April 2025
(11 lessons; no class 20 Feb)
Cost: £65
Teacher: Serena Cundari
Variations en Pointe after Advanced 2 Ballet on Saturdays - Shoreditch
Day: Saturdays
Time: 3.00-3.40pm
Place: New City Fitness (Studio A), Redvers Street, London, N1 6NE
Dates: 18th January - 5th April 2025
(11 lessons; no class 22 Feb)
Cost: £70
Teacher: Serena Cundari
Discounts of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% available when booking multiple courses
Payment plans are available if you need to pay in instalments. Places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment.