Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know which course is right for me?

If you're new to Ballet or did some as a child, you'll want Level 1 Beginners.  Ballet Floor-barre will also be suitable and will fast-track your progress, increasing ballet strength, flexibility and turnout while working on correct technique. 

Adults learn differently from children, applying intellect rather than just copying the teacher, so if you did ballet as a child but not to a very high level, it will be best to start afresh.

If you did ballet into your teens but have had a break of 10 years or so, Level 2 will be suitable, possibly Level 3 depending on a few things including your age and level of muscle and tendon fitness.

Click this link or contact Serena to discuss: Assessing the Best Level for You

If you received formal training (e.g. taking exams) and were doing pointe-work but have had a long break, a higher level may still be suitable but it will be important to be patient with your body and not ask too much of it, too soon.  You may find you remember everything but will be lacking the strength, skill and elasticity - particularly in the Achilles tendons - so resisting going full out too soon would be wise.

Always work safely and within your means, under the guidance of your teacher.

What style of ballet do you teach?

Ballet for You has developed its own syllabus specifically for adults with technique and terminology based on the English style of Ballet as per that of the Royal Academy of Dance.  Whilst correct technique is very important, quality of movement and development of artistry, especially in the higher levels, are also what Ballet for You is about.  There are weekly handouts and videos for all levels (excluding Beginner-General, Pre-Improvers & Advanced 2), so you can read and have a reference of the new steps and combinations you learn each week.  There are also several video links so you can practice alongside.

How do I pay?

Payment is via bank transfer or you can pay in branch - see booking form.

when do I need to pay?

Payment is required on the day that you enrol. 

Fees of £165 and under need to be paid in full with your booking form. 

Fees over £165 can be paid in two halves; the first with your booking form and the second, before the start of term.

Fees over £300 can be paid in 3 parts; the first with your booking, the second before the start of term and the last by week 4 of the term.

If you need to spread the cost of your courses further, or if you need a special payment plan, please contact Serena to arrange.

Are there discounts available?

There are generous discounts of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% for attending multiple courses and these are based on the cost of your fees. See the enrolment form for details.


If you can no longer attend a course, please email Serena right away. If notification is received more than 14 days before the start of term, a full refund will be offered. If 7-14 days' notice is given before the start of term, a £15 administration charge will be deducted from your refund. If less than 7 days' notice is given, Ballet for You will deduct £25 from your refund. Refunds cannot be offered once the term has started.

If there is an interruption to studio classes relating to Covid-19, your class will be delivered online via Zoom instead. If Ballet for You cancels a class, then a replacement class will be offered as soon as it can be arranged.

can I attend casually on a drop-in basis?

I'm afraid not.  Classes are structured with the whole term in mind, with each lesson (and level) building from the last resulting in real progress, consistency and a sense of continuity.  I find that this approach gets better results and students feel a greater sense of achievement.

The higher level classes are taught with more of an open class feel but they too are run as courses which also helps class sizes to remain at a safe and enjoyable level.

what if i miss a class?

If you miss a class (eg for work or illness), you can attend another up to the level of your skill within the same term.  Please arrange this in advance by emailing so others can also make use of this system. It is ideal to attend the same level class within the same week so as to not miss out on that week's learning material.  It is not possible to carry missed classes over to the next term.

online classes

Online classes are delivered via Zoom. Please be signed in as yourself 5 minutes before each class and note the terms to participate including having at least 2mx2m of clear space in which to move and ensuring that your camera is positioned so your teacher can see your full body.
Useful tips for getting the most from your home studio including internet


If you are not feeling 100%, but you feel well enough to carry out your normal daily activities including going to work, it will be fine to come to class. If you have something that could be catchy, please consider wearing a mask and try to stay distant from others, maintaining good hand sanitation.

For everyone's safety and enjoyment, please don't come to class if you have a fever; you can attend online instead or you can attend a catch-up class in the studio later in the term up, to your level of skill.


Please arrive at least 5 -10 mins before your class is due to start.  If you are late to class, please enter the studio quietly and join in when your teacher says you may do so.  You will be responsible to warm yourself up beforehand so some quiet jogging on the spot followed by some pliés and tendus is advised.

Ballet Etiquette

Click HERE for a Rough Guide to Ballet Etiquette which includes useful tips on how to get the most from class by following this best practice.

What should I wear/bring to class?

Comfortable clothing - Leotard and tights and ballet skirt if you like; leggings and a top are also fine though nothing too baggy especially not round the knees, ankles or mid-drift. 

Note: Please avoid clothing with stripes or neon which can make it harder to judge correct placement (and which sends a teacher’s eyes loopy!).

Gents should wear men's balletwear or leggings / shorts and a t-shirt. A dancer's belt (support) is also recommended.

Soft ballet shoes - if you haven't purchased these before, it's best to try them on in a ballet shop rather than order online as sizes can vary.  Some will come with elastics already sewn; if not, just ask in the shop.  There are several dance shops in Covent Garden. 

dance-wear shops

Click this link for a list of London dancewear suppliers:  London dancewear shops


Long hair should be tied neatly away from the face; if you have a ponytail, please pin this so it doesn't move around as this will affect the way you move your head as you dance.

pointe shoe guidance

If attending a Pointe course, here's some guidance for prepping your feet and buying Pointe shoes.  Please note that Pointe is not suitable for everyone and you should seek approval from your teacher before enrolling. You must have attended a term at Improvers 1 level first. If you’re a complete beginner, you should book the new 1 hour pointe class on Thursdays. If you are attending one of the other pointe classes, then you must also attend the preceding ballet class so as to be fully ballet warm and to avoid injury.

ballet floor-barre(BFB)

For Ballet Floor-barre you may like to have a mat or towel to lie on. Please wear a pair of socks instead of ballet shoes and have a second, longer pair to to use as stretching props. (or 2 x physio bands). If you’re new to BFB you will need to attend the studio course rather than the online one to ensure you understand how to perform the movements in this set sequence safely and correctly. Some PBT exercises using the small pilates ball are included in the studio class.

progressing ballet technique (PBT)

For Progressing Ballet Technique (PBT) you will need a fit ball sized according to your height. Once the ball has been firmly inflated, your thighs should be parallel to the floor when seated on it. If your legs are longer than your torso, you may need a slightly bigger ball to the following diameter measurements; if you have a longer torso then you may be best off with a smaller ball.

Under 4'8" = 45 cm ball | 4'8" to 5'3" = 55 cm ball | 5'4" to 5'10" = 65 cm ball | 5’11-6’4 = 75cm ball

You will also need a smaller pilates / fusion ball (diameter approx 20cm) and a 2.5m theraband.

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